terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2019

You received invoice from DocuSign Electronic Signature Service


Please review and sign the document.
Dear Recipient,

Please review this invoice
It is an automatically created notification.

This letter holds a secure link to DocuSign. Do not share this code with anybody.

Alternative Signing Way
Please visit DocuSign, click on 'Access Documents', and enter the code: 0409799E14

About Our Service
Sign invoice in just few clicks. It's secure. No matter if you're at work, at home or even across the globe -- Our service provides a trusted solution for Digital Transaction .

Questions about the document?
If you need to modify the document or have concerns about the details in the document, please contact the sender directly.

If you cannot sign an invoice, please visit the Help page on our support .

This message was sent to you by DocuSign Electronic Signature Service.


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Aqui, você encontra os registros textuais e fotográficos de uma educadora... Minha Vida é abençoada por Deus! (Tenho todo o amor que mereço e amo de forma incondicional). Adoro meu trabalho e tudo que realizo é feito com Paixão! Amo a vida e o meu bem maior é viver! Que bom te ver aqui! Aproveite! Bjks Prof. Sol