terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2019

USPS Delivery Unsuccessful Attempt Notice



Package delivery unsuccessful attempt notification on February 6th, 2019 , 11:12 AM.

The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping address, so this notification was sent automatically. You may arrange redelivery by visiting your closest USPS location with the printed invoice specified below. If the package is NOT arranged for redelivery or picked up within 72 hours, it will be returned to the shipper.

Download Invoice Here

To learn more about Informed Delivery, go to the Delivery Guidelines .

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It is an electronic email don't reply to this notification. This note is for the specified recipient only and may consist of proprietary or private data. If perhaps you have received it by mistake, please erase. Any other use of the e-mail by you is not allowed.

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Aqui, você encontra os registros textuais e fotográficos de uma educadora... Minha Vida é abençoada por Deus! (Tenho todo o amor que mereço e amo de forma incondicional). Adoro meu trabalho e tudo que realizo é feito com Paixão! Amo a vida e o meu bem maior é viver! Que bom te ver aqui! Aproveite! Bjks Prof. Sol